Rachel Walter

Rachel Walter – Guest Author Interview

Rachel Walter

Website: http://rachelwalterauthor.blogspot.com
Facebook: http://facebook.com/rachelwalterauthor
Twitter: http;//twitter.com/rachelw_auth
Book Page: http://www.amazon.com/Rachel-Walter/e/B00DX77Q1I
Publisher: Rachel Walter

Question: Can you share a little of your current work with us?

Aside from preparing a novel for my editor, I’m working on a Young Adult Contemporary. It’s called Pucked and the story follows two teenagers through their chaotic journey to adulthood. It touches on several real issues that some teens are subjected to, such as Parental Alienation.

Question: Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?

“You are not alone and you are loved.
That’s a big theme in most of my work.”

Question: Who is your favorite author and what is it that really strikes you about their work?

Madeline Sheehan is one of my favorite authors. She doesn’t write the hearts and flowers of life, she writes the raw, gritty romances that hang out in my head like they’re renting space. They’re powerful stories, deeper than I thought they’d be but amazing just the same. I never expected to like the Undeniable Series, it’s not my normal go to genre, and frankly I was afraid of Undeniable just from the blurb. But then she posted the beginning of Unbeautifully, and I knew I had no other choice but to read book one. Because of that, I’m positive I’ll read anything and everything that amazing woman puts out for us.

Question: Do you have any advice for other writers?

My advice is simple. Go with your gut, but always, always, always find an editor you can trust.

Questions: What are your current projects?

Soul Promise is my number one focus at the moment. It’s book two in my YA series, The Soul Mate Series. Once I send the file to my editor, I’ll be refocusing on my YA Contemporary, Pucked. And because I can’t work on one thing at a time, I have two works on the back burner. One is a romance and the other is a young adult paranormal.